Let me tell you—you don’t have to sacrifice your lifestyle to lose weight. There are plenty of options to lose weight quickly without subjecting yourself to strict diets and gruelling workouts.
So, below are some strategies that you can employ on a daily basis for fast weight loss.
Rather than giving you a one-size-fits-all regimen, I figure you’re more likely to stick with the plan if you pick the eating and exercise strategies that fit your lifestyle.
So choose at least four of the below tips (they’re all expert-backed if you’re wondering), and vow to work them into your schedule for 14 days straight.
If you feel ambitious, tack on a few more.
The more you pick, the more weight you’ll lose.
If you start now, by this time next week, you’ll look and feel lighter and in two weeks, you’ll have reached your goal.

1. Drink Mainly Water

A sports or energy drink, fruit smoothie, or light beer — each serving contains about 100 calories. Yet these beverages don’t satisfy you the way 100 calories of food does, so they’re a waste. Other liquids may be high in sodium and carbohydrates, which trick your body into retaining water, puffing you out.
Water, on the other hand, has zero calories and carbs and little to no sodium, making it the perfect slim-down drink. And strangely, it actually helps flush out excess water weight as well as jump-starts your metabolism. If it’s just too boring, add lemon wedges or mint leaves.

2. Avoid at All Cost White Bread and Pasta

Cutting out all white grain products — such as white rice, spaghetti, sandwich rolls — will instantly slim you down because the simple carbs in these foods cause bloating, especially around your belly. Simple carbohydrates wreak havoc on your weight because they’re digested very quickly, leaving you hungry and more likely to overeat later.
To go a step further, instead of replacing them with healthier yet still bloat-triggering whole-grain bread products, substitute vegetables for the week. This way, a chicken sandwich becomes chicken salad, and chips and dip turn into carrots and dip. The complex carbs from vegetables are digested more slowly, so you remain full longer. And because veggies are mostly water, they also help flush out excess water weight.

3. Do Cardio 30 Minutes a Day

Any workout that gets your heart rate up will burn calories. But you’ll use more calories if you pick a cardio routine that engages multiple muscles simultaneously.
Three to consider: spinning, cardio kickboxing, and boot-camp workouts. Half an hour of each torches 200 to 300 calories while toning up your arms, legs, and core so everything appears sleeker and tighter.
You’ll burn even more calories per session if your workout incorporates interval training: alternating short bursts of intense cardio with slower activity.

4. Drink Coffee an Hour Before Working Out

This is the one exception to the stick-to-water-only rule: Just as a coffee run makes your morning at work more productive, a pre-exercise cup of java with a splash of skim milk (about 11 calories) or black (just 5 calories) will energize your workout. You’ll burn more calories without realizing you’re pushing yourself harder.

5. Have Nightly You-on-Top Sex

Not that you needed an excuse to hook up with your guy every night, but the fact is, this position is a fat blaster. Being on top means you do the rocking, and the more active you are, the more calories you burn — up to 144 for 30 minutes.
Sex also pumps levels of feel-good neurotransmitters, endorphins, helping you ride out food cravings. Get on top in reverse-cowgirl (i.e., facing away from your guy) to give your thigh and butt muscles an extra push.

6. Do 36 Push-Ups and Lunges Every Other Day

These gym-class staples will help sculpt muscle, so you’ll sport a more streamlined appearance. Do three sets of 12 of each exercise every other day. Push-ups target your upper body, while lunges work your butt, hips, and thighs.
Quick tip: Make sure your back and legs remain in a straight line during your push-ups; it’ll improve muscle tone. Also, you can build even more muscle with the lunges if you hold free weights in each hand while doing them.

7. Sleep 30 Minutes More a Night

That extra half an hour, whether you sleep 5 hours or 8, can refresh you enough that you will make better food choices (in other words, no quick sugar fix for breakfast in search of energy) and won’t feel lethargic and skip the gym. More restful sleep (7 to 8 hours is best) also boosts your metabolism. And since your body builds muscle while you snooze, getting zzz’s equals better muscle tone.

8. Make One Food Sacrifice

Cutting out one indulgence — such as the chips you have with lunch or the chocolate dessert you eat after dinner — can subtract a few hundred calories from your diet, which translates into less flab. Your body won’t even notice their absence.

9. Eat Salmon for Lunch

It’s packed with nutrients that build muscle tone and give your skin a healthy glow. Some nutritionists claim that consuming a portion (doesn’t matter how it’s cooked) may immediately make your face look a bit more contoured.

10. Stand Up Straight

Keeping your spine rigid and your shoulders back while sucking in your belly toward your spine gives you a slimmer, more streamlined middle.

11. Do Squats and Sit-Ups

Bodybuilders use this technique before competitions because it adds definition to muscle. Do three sets of 12 of each exercise to tighten your abs, butt, and legs temporarily.
12. One last thing… you should try this 60-second immunity ritual that burns 1 pound of belly fat per day…
“All this by a 60-second immunity ritual?” I asked.

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how she lost 72 pounds in 3 months.

She said, “It’s not so much about the 60-second immunity ritual but more about how it releases fat-blasting molecules that signal your brain and body to burn off pounds and inches of trapped fat quickly and naturally.”

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video shedid.

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…

They’re right – it actually took me 14 days to lose 19 pounds.

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently ๐Ÿ’…

Imagine your body being beach ready before the Fourth of July.

Imagine enjoying the foods you love: pasta, wine, or even a dessert — completely guilt-free.

And imagine feeling good and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat…

All while knowing your health is being protected by one of the most powerful natural healing rituals ever discovered.

While it’s certainly possible to lose 10 lbs in one week, it won’t be pure body fat.
Due to the calorie deficit needed to burn each pound of fat, it’s simply not possible to safely burn 10 pounds of pure body fat in just one week.
However, this isn’t to say you can’t lose that much weight and still look leaner.
While a lot of the weight loss will certainly come from body fat, you will also drop pounds by losing excess water weight.
Along with reduced body fat and water weight, you may also lose some weight due to less intestinal waste and undigested food and fiber in the digestive system.
Here are the 7 steps you should follow in order to lose 10 pounds in a week.

1. Eat Fewer Carbs and More Lean Proteins

You can lose several pounds by following a low-carb diet for just a few days.
In fact, lots of research has shown a low-carb diet is a very effective way to lose weight and improve health.
A short-term decrease in carb intake can also reduce water weight and bloating.
This is why people who go low-carb often see a difference on the scale as early as the next morning after starting the diet.
Additionally, making sure you eat plenty of protein can help reduce your appetite even further while boosting your metabolism.
Try eliminating or drastically reducing all starchy carbs and sugars for the week. Replace these with low-carb vegetables, while also increasing your intake of eggs, lean meats and fish.

2. Eat Whole Foods and Avoid Most Processed Junk Foods

When you’re trying to lose weight quickly then it can be helpful to eat a simple diet based on whole foods.
These foods tend to be very filling, and make it easier to eat fewer calories without getting too hungry.
During the week, you should make sure to eat mostly whole, single-ingredient foods. Avoid most foods that are highly processed.
Eating mostly lean proteins and low-carb veggies can be incredibly satisfying even if you’re not getting that many calories.

3. Reduce Your Calorie Intake by Following These Tips

Reducing your calorie intake may be the most important factor when it comes to weight loss.
If you aren’t eating fewer calories than you expend, then you will not lose fat.
Here are a few simple tips to reduce calorie intake:
  • Count calories: Weigh and log the foods you eat. Use a calorie counting tool to keep track of the amount of calories and nutrients you are taking in.
  • Eat only at meals: Reduce all snacks and don’t eat anything after dinner.
  • Cut your condiments: Eliminate calorie-dense condiments and sauces.
  • Fill up on veggies: Fill your plate with vegetables and limit starchy carbs and added fats for the week.
  • Choose lean proteins: Choose lower-fat proteins, such as chicken and fish.
  • Don’t drink your calories: Instead, opt for water, zero-calorie drinks, tea or coffee. Protein shakes are fine if you count them as a meal.

4. Lift Weights and Try High-Intensity Interval Training

Exercise is one of the best ways to burn fat and improve your appearance.
Resistance training, such as weight lifting, can lead to a similar amount of weight loss as regular aerobic training. It also helps you add or maintain muscle mass and strength.
Full-body resistance training workouts are also a great method to lower your body’s carb stores and water weight, which can lead to a sharp decline in weight.
Lifting weights can also protect your metabolism and hormone levels, which often decline during dieting.
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is another very effective training method.
Research suggests that 5–10 minutes of HIIT can lead to similar or greater benefits for health and weight loss as five times that amount of regular exercise.
Like weight lifting, it can quickly reduce muscle carb stores and also boost other important aspects of weight loss, such as your metabolism and fat-burning hormones.
You can perform HIIT three to four times a week after a workout or as part of your normal training regimen. It is very important to do this with 100% effort or intensity. Most sprints should not last more than 30 seconds.

5. Be Active Outside of the Gym

In order to burn extra calories and lose more weight, you can also increase your daily activity.
In fact, how active you are throughout the day when you aren’t exercising also plays a very important role in weight loss and obesity.
For example, the difference between a desk job and a manual job can account for up to 1,000 calories per day. This is the same as 90 to 120 minutes of high-intensity exercise.
Simple lifestyle changes such as walking or biking to work, taking the stairs, going for walks outside, standing more or even cleaning the house can help you burn a lot of calories.

6. Try Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is another effective and proven tool for dropping fat.
It forces you to reduce your calorie intake, since you are limiting your eating to a short window of time.
There are many different protocols, such as a 16-hour fast with an 8-hour feeding window, or a 20-hour fast with a 4-hour feeding window.
If you’re combining fasting with exercise, it may be wise to do the fasting at a different time than your workout.
7. One last thing… you should try this 60-second immunity ritual that burns 1 pound of belly fat per day…
“All this by a 60-second immunity ritual?” I asked.

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how she lost 72 pounds in 3 months.

She said, “It’s not so much about the 60-second immunity ritual but more about how it releases fat-blasting molecules that signal your brain and body to burn off pounds and inches of trapped fat quickly and naturally.”

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video shedid.

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…

They’re right – it actually took me 14 days to lose 19 pounds.

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently ๐Ÿ’…

Imagine your body being beach ready before the Fourth of July.

Imagine enjoying the foods you love: pasta, wine, or even a dessert — completely guilt-free.

And imagine feeling good and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat…

All while knowing your health is being protected by one of the most powerful natural healing rituals ever discovered.

In theory, we all that to lose weight fast, we all have to just burn more calories than we take in.
But anyone who’s tried to lose weight fast knows that reality can and have always worked against us (otherwise we won’t be finding ways to lose weight fast).
In reality, life gets in the way such that we would feel too tired to work out or too busy to plan ahead for healthy meals.
But fret not, you can still lose weight fast if you want to.
You just need to have the proper strategies in place to do it.
So, I’m going to share with you my 10 step plan to lose weight fast—and keeping it off for good.
Try them this week and you could see yourself 10 pounds lighter in the next 7 days.

1. Make a plan.

Successful long-term weight loss comes from a combination of nourishing diet and healthy exercise.
Outline the specific steps you need to achieve your ideal weight.
For example, one specific step might be to walk 30 minutes extra a day.

2. Visualize success.

The world’s best athletes envision themselves performing perfect techniques, a strategy that primes their body for success.
Do the same by visualizing how you want to look and feel after weight loss.
If it helps, post inspirational pics or phrases around the house.

3. Create a positive environment.

You probably will need to do some house cleaning to help you on your journey.
Dig into the pantry to clean out calorie-filled processed snacks, and free up your fridge from whole milk dairy, processed meats, and other high-calorie food traps.

4. Keep a journal.

Building self-awareness is a key weight loss strategy.
Keep a food and exercise diary where you can track exactly what you’re doing and when.
One of the smartest steps for getting to your ideal weight is to take a primer on portion sizes.

5. Learn about proper portions.

Don’t sink your quest to be healthy with ginormous portion sizes.

6. Schedule exercise.

From meetings to doctor’s appointments, you already make it a habit to schedule what’s important.
Your weight and health are just as important so put exercise on your calendar—and make that commitment to yourself.

7. Eat mindfully.

Each time the you want to eat something, drink a glass of water.
Then ask yourself if you’re still hungry. If the answer is “no,” then take the hand out of that bag of nuts and find something else do.
Whether it’s taking a walk or writing in a journal that you ‘escaped’ mindless eating at 2pm.

8. Get a fat buddy.

It can be tough to reach and maintain ideal weight on your own.
Team up with a like-minded friend (or connect with someone in the same boat online) so you can provide support and encouragement to each other.

9. Commit long-term.

Maintaining ideal weight can only happen with lifestyle change.
All too often, we shed pounds, do a victory dance and dive right back into bad habits.
Make this time the time that sticks.
Celebrate for a second and continue with the healthy journey.
10. One last thing… you should try this 60-second immunity ritual that burns 1 pound of belly fat per day…
“All this by a 60-second immunity ritual?” I asked.

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how she lost 72 pounds in 3 months.

She said, “It’s not so much about the 60-second immunity ritual but more about how it releases fat-blasting molecules that signal your brain and body to burn off pounds and inches of trapped fat quickly and naturally.”

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video shedid.

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…

They’re right – it actually took me 14 days to lose 19 pounds.

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently ๐Ÿ’…

Imagine your body being beach ready before the Fourth of July.

Imagine enjoying the foods you love: pasta, wine, or even a dessert — completely guilt-free.

And imagine feeling good and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat…

All while knowing your health is being protected by one of the most powerful natural healing rituals ever discovered.

Say no to crazy fads and complicated diets! Losing weight shouldn’t take over your life or compromise your health.
Instead, to lose 10 pounds focus on these 10 easy steps that are proven effective.
The truth is that losing weight is simpler than you might think. The key is to stay committed to the steps that help you build a healthier lifestyle.
Take things slow and steady, changing your habits to give your body the care it deserves.

1. Drink more water

Plain water is the best weight loss superfood. It’s completely calorie-free, yet helps you feel full and prevents cravings. Additionally, water flushes toxins from your system, including those that cause bloating and constipation.
A recent study found that adults drinking water before a meal lost 44% more weight during a 12-week period. Drinking water before a meal is one of the best ways to prevent overeating.

2. Eat protein for breakfast

Another easy step to lose 10 pounds is to maximize your morning meal with protein! A good breakfast includes healthy protein sources. Think of things like nonfat Greek yogurt, whole eggs or egg whites, or lean turkey.
Research suggests that replacing a grain-based breakfast with a meal of protein and healthy fats helps you eat less throughout the day.
Simple carbs, such as those found in white bread and cereals, metabolize quickly, leaving you starving by lunch time. This makes it more likely that you will overeat or reach for the snack drawer.
On the other hand, fats and proteins are harder to break down. They help you feel fuller for longer.

3. Pre-pack healthy snacks

Snacks help keep your energy levels up and prevent blood sugar dips.
Nevertheless, if you’re making frequent trips to the vending machine at work or school, you could be unknowingly loading up the calories.
Keep healthy food around so that you don’t have to reach for the chips and candy.
The most effective snacking strategy is to prepare nutrient-rich snacks into serving size portions. You can grab-n-go a pack no matter how busy the day gets!

4. Burn fat with Tabata style workouts

Give your metabolism a major boost with interval-style training. Interval training is incredibly effective when it comes to weight loss.
Incorporate two to three interval workouts in your week and you’ll lose 10 pounds before you even know it!
Interval training is an effective weight loss tool because it keeps your heart rate elevated. It’s great for burning stubborn belly fat.
Additionally, research suggests that you continue to burn calories for up to 24 hours after the workout ends! Not bad at all.

5. Measure your portions

Whether you’re enjoying dinner or noshing mid-afternoon, get out that measuring spoon or cup and measure out the recommended serving size.
When we eyeball portions, we tend to err on the side of extra food.
In fact, a cup of popcorn or chips might be a whole lot smaller than you realize. Don’t be surprised if you’ve been accidentally eating two or three portions at a time.
Measuring your food adds an extra step to your meals, but it’s an easy change that has maximum impact on the waistline. It’s one of the best changes you can make to lose 10 pounds.

6. Ditch the processed foods

Give your body the nutrients it needs to lose weight. Ditch the processed foods! This includes boxed dinners, bagged snacks, and refined grains (I’m looking at you sugary cereal!).
Instead, focus on clean foods filled with nutrients.
Start the day with some whole eggs and veggies. Snack on apples and clementines.
Your body will quickly start feeling more energized.

7. Don’t skip meals

It’s common for people trying to lose weight to skip meals. The problem is that when your body starves, it starts craving sugary, fatty, calorie-packed foods.
One skipped meal of whole grains and proteins means you might end up doubling the calories at dinner.
We often justify our bad choices, thinking that since we skipped lunch, we can get that milkshake and those extra large garlic fries guilt-free.
When you actually do the math, it turns out your skipped lunch cost you progress.
To maximize weight loss, commit to eating three healthy meals and two nutrient-filled snacks daily. While this might vary from person to person, this general guideline is a good place to start.

8. Keep moving

You don’t need to break a sweat with a workout to burn calories. Take every chance you can to move your body. Crank out a few sit-ups during a TV commercial rather than staying on the couch, walk to a colleague’s office instead of sending a text, and take the stairs rather than the elevator.
There are several good ways to track your movement throughout the day. Fitness watches are some of the best known. Nevertheless, you don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars to get moving. Most smart phones come with pedometers to track your steps. Aim to reach 10,000 steps each day.

9. Add weights to your workout

Adding weight to exercise forces muscles to work harder. In turn, that burns more calories and raises the metabolism for more efficient fat burn.
Your body uses more calories to maintain muscle than it does to maintain fat tissue. What this means is that two people weighing 150 lb. might not burn the same amount of calories throughout the day. The person with more muscle mass burns more calories.
Increase your muscle mass to raise the number of calories you burn while at rest. It’s the diet-free way to lose weight!
10. One last thing… you should try this 60-second immunity ritual that burns 1 pound of belly fat per day…
“All this by a 60-second immunity ritual?” I asked.

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how she lost 72 pounds in 3 months.

She said, “It’s not so much about the 60-second immunity ritual but more about how it releases fat-blasting molecules that signal your brain and body to burn off pounds and inches of trapped fat quickly and naturally.”

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video shedid.

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…

They’re right – it actually took me 14 days to lose 19 pounds.

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently ๐Ÿ’…

Imagine your body being beach ready before the Fourth of July.

Imagine enjoying the foods you love: pasta, wine, or even a dessert — completely guilt-free.

And imagine feeling good and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat…

All while knowing your health is being protected by one of the most powerful natural healing rituals ever discovered.

Simple (and small!) changes to your daily routine can help you slim down without dieting.
Making healthy choices, like eating breakfast and moving every day, is the first step to dropping the pounds and feeling energized.
A little planning ahead can go along way, as can stocking up on healthy foods so you don’t fall into a comfort-food rut after a long day.
The good news is you really don’t have to overhaul your entire eating routine or live at the gym to lose weight.
Here are 10 really quick and really simple science backed tips to help you lose weight and keep it off for good.

1. Eat a high-protein breakfast

Eating a high-protein breakfast has been shown to reduce cravings and calorie intake throughout the day.

2. Avoid sugary drinks and fruit juice

Although tasty, these are the most fattening things you can put into your body, and avoiding them can help you lose weight.

3. Drink water a half hour before meals

One study showed that drinking water a half hour before meals increased weight loss by 44% over 3 months.

4. Choose weight loss-friendly foods

Certain foods are very useful for losing fat.

5. Eat soluble fiber

Studies show that soluble fibers help reduce fat, especially in the belly area by keeping you full longer. Fiber supplements like glucomannan can also help.

6. Drink coffee or tea

If you’re a coffee or tea drinker, then drink as much as you want as the caffeine can in them boost your metabolism.

7. Eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods

Base most of your diet on whole foods. They are healthier, more filling and much less likely to cause overeating.

8. Eat your food slowly

Fast eaters gain more weight over time. Eating slowly makes you feel more full and boosts weight-reducing hormones.

9. Weigh yourself every day

Studies show that people who weigh themselves every day are much more likely to lose weight and keep it off for a long time.
10. One last thing… you should try this 60-second immunity ritual that burns 1 pound of belly fat per day…
“All this by a 60-second immunity ritual?” I asked.

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how she lost 72 pounds in 3 months.

She said, “It’s not so much about the 60-second immunity ritual but more about how it releases fat-blasting molecules that signal your brain and body to burn off pounds and inches of trapped fat quickly and naturally.”

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video shedid.

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…

They’re right – it actually took me 14 days to lose 19 pounds.

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently ๐Ÿ’…

Imagine your body being beach ready before the Fourth of July.

Imagine enjoying the foods you love: pasta, wine, or even a dessert — completely guilt-free.

And imagine feeling good and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat…

All while knowing your health is being protected by one of the most powerful natural healing rituals ever discovered.

Losing weight seems an uphill task to many, especially when you need to lose weight in a couple of days.
And especially when you need to look good for an upcoming occasion or event.
For achieving quick weight loss like ten pounds in a week, people often resort to crash dieting or spend hours sweating out in the gym.
In fact, there are countless fad diets that enable you to shed pounds in a couple of days, but they have detrimental effects on your body and health, leaving you sick, hungry and nutrition deprived.
Of course, there are other painless ways to achieve this goal without dieting.
All you need to do is maintain a healthy lifestyle comprising of nutrition, fitness, proper sleep and hydration.
The best part is that these strategies not only enable you to lose ten pounds in a week’s time, but also help you to maintain a healthy weight in the long run. Here are 12 strategies to get you going.

1. Burn 5000 calories more than you take in

In order to lose 10 pounds in a week, you need to burn 5000 more calories than you take in per day.
Agreed, that’s too much for an average person, but you have to push yourself to achieve this goal.
Also, it should be kept in mind that an average person burns about 2000 calories while doing normal routine activities.
This means that if you consume exactly 2000 calories through food every day, you will neither gain nor lose weight.
To burn extra calories, you can make simple changes in your lifestyle like walking instead of driving, taking stairs instead of the lift and simply breathing.

2. Do not skip breakfast

Breakfast is, undoubtedly, one of the most important meals of the day and skipping it in an urge to cut calories is not at all a great option.
In fact, several studies have shown that people who had breakfast regularly had comparatively lower BMIs than breakfast skippers.
So, kick start your day a healthy and nutritious way by having a bowl of oatmeal or whole grain cereal topped with fruit or low fat dairy.
ou can also have scrambled eggs to fulfil your protein requirements, but avoid heavy and oily foods for breakfast.

3. Incorporate lean proteins in your diet

Incorporating lean proteins in your meals and snacks will keep you from overeating by keeping you full for longer.
You can try 98% lean beef, skinless chicken breast, eggs and certain fish like salmon.
For vegetarians, soy products like edamame or tofu, low fat yogurt, peanut butter, nuts and beans are good sources of lean proteins.
Besides, it is advisable to have frequent meals at an interval of 3 to 4 hours to maintain your blood sugar levels and avoid overindulgence.

4. Cut the consumption of simple carbohydrates

Simple carbs, also known as refined carbohydrates, get absorbed by our body quickly but provide zero nutrition.
So it is advisable to stay away from simple carbs like cookies, candies, molasses, honey, cakes and other baked sweets, and packaged cereals.

5. Avoid fast food

Fast foods are synonymous of unhealthy foods. Besides being loaded with trans-fat, fast foods like fries, burgers and shakes contain a whopping amount of sugar and salt which can cause you to pile on the pounds.
They are also nil in terms of nutrition. Hence, if you want to shed ten pounds effectively, it is advisable to avoid fast foods completely.

6. Eat smaller portions

It will be, indeed, pleasing to know that reducing your portion size by 10% to 20% can also lead to weight loss.
You can trim your portion size by using smaller bowls and plates or measuring cups to measure your portion sizes.
Eating smaller frequent meals will not only keep you full, but also boost your metabolism, thus leading to weight loss.

7. Avoid late night snacking

We can’t deny the fact that most of us indulge in mindless late night snacking while watching television or late night working.
We don’t realize that we are loading our bodies with unnecessary calories by doing so. It is advisable to have your dinner before 9 at night.
If you want to have dessert, you can have a bowl of light ice cream or frozen yogurt. After that, just brush your teeth so that you are less likely to eat or drink anything else.

8. Drink plenty of water

Hydration is regarded as synonymous with water and drinking plenty of water is, undoubtedly, one of the best ways to keep oneself hydrated.
Ensure to drink at least 8 glasses of water in a day.
Besides being devoid of calories, water keeps you full such that you are less likely to overeat.
To avoid hunger pangs in between meals, you can have a big glass of water.
Apart from water, there are other ways of hydration.
Unsweetened green tea, for instance, is a good option as it is rich in antioxidants and has zero calories.

9. Avoid liquid calories

As stated earlier, to achieve the desirable weight loss, it is important to control the intake of calories and liquid calories are no exception.
The processed fruit juices, energy drinks and aerated drinks might appear tempting, but they load your body with about a third of your entire calories for the day.
Instead, you can quench your thirst with water, citrus juices or 100% percent fruit juices.
Vegetable juices are also a nutritious option to satisfy your hunger in between meals.
Alcohol calories should be particularly avoided as they add up quickly.
So it is advisable to restrict the consumption of wine or cocktails to weekends in order to save calories.

10.Compound exercises

Compound exercises involve working out multiple joints and are considered the best bodyweight exercises.
For instance, the exercises performed below navel work out your quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteus, the three largest muscle groups in your body.
They create minor after-burn tears in the muscle fibres, causing a large burn in calories post workout as a lot of energy is required to repair those tears.
You can try compound exercises like bench press, squats, clean and press etc.

11. Weight training

Weight training is another way to lose weight effectively. In fact, it is a misconception that weight training is meant for building bigger muscles and not losing weight.
Weight training if done properly can speed up your fat burning process during workouts and even long after the workout is over.
Training with weight is anaerobic in nature that burns carbohydrates. Unlike aerobic training, it helps build lean body mass.
But it accelerates your metabolism, causing you to burn more fat. To effectively lose 10 pounds in a week, it is advisable to indulge in weight training routine involving compound exercises at a higher intensity level.

12. Proper sleep

Research has proved that sleep deprivation can cause you to gain weight.
This is simply due to the fact that the longer you are awake, the more you are likely to eat.
In fact, it is a common scenario that people who are in late night working often have several cups of coffee to avoid feeling sleepy.
The result is clear, they consume extra calories. The duration and quality of your sleep influence the production of certain hormones which are directly linked with your appetite.
While sleeping, you lose weight through two processes, namely respiration when you exhale and transpiration through your skin, also called sweating.
All these factors contribute to weight loss.
One last thing… you should try this 60-second immunity ritual that burns 1 pound of belly fat per day…
“All this by a 60-second immunity ritual?” I asked.

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how she lost 72 pounds in 3 months.

She said, “It’s not so much about the 60-second immunity ritual but more about how it releases fat-blasting molecules that signal your brain and body to burn off pounds and inches of trapped fat quickly and naturally.”

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video shedid.

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…

They’re right – it actually took me 14 days to lose 19 pounds.

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently ๐Ÿ’…

Imagine your body being beach ready before the Fourth of July.

Imagine enjoying the foods you love: pasta, wine, or even a dessert — completely guilt-free.

And imagine feeling good and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat…

All while knowing your health is being protected by one of the most powerful natural healing rituals ever discovered.

If you need to lose 10 pounds, all you need to do is make a few simple changes to your lifestyle. They’re all so small you’ll barely even notice you’ve made any.
Here are 9 easily-implementable techniques for you to be rocking your slimmer, fitter dream body in no time.

1. Opt for the side salad

Cut back 100 calories per day, the thinking goes, and you’ll lose 10 pounds over the course of a year.
And the easiest way to do that is with a simple side dish swap.
A salad with all the trimmings—two cups of leafy greens, a cup-and-a-half of crisp veggies (like tomatoes or cucumbers), and two tablespoons of light dressing—amounts to a little over 100 calories.
A medium order of fries has about 350.
So, if you’re a habitual fry-eater, swap fries for a salad on just three meals each week and you’ll slash 750 calories from your weekly diet—or about 100 per day.

2. Cut out soda

Every 12-ounce soda contains 150 calories. So removing one per day from your diet will save you 1,050 weekly calories.
And if you think that drinking calorie-free diet options are safe when it comes to weight-loss, think again:
According to a study in the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine, people who regularly drink diet soda actually end up gaining weight.

3. Wait 20 minutes

It takes your brain about 20 minutes to “catch up” to your stomach—to realize that, hey, you’re full.
Because of this, it’s incredibly easy to eat more calories than you need.
A good way to stop doing this is to eat 80 percent of what you’d normally eat and then stop.
20 minutes later, reassess: Are you still hungry?
If so, keep eating.
But chances are, you won’t be, and you’ll have just reduced your calorie intake by 20 percent.
If you’re on a 2,500-calorie diet, that’s 500 calories just like that.

4. Lift weights

Let’s do some math. Every pound of muscle you have burns about 6 calories an hour.
So if you add just five pounds of muscle to your frame, you’re burning an additional 700 calories a day just by doing nothing.

5. HIIT it up

If lifting’s not your thing, you could always try high-intensity interval training, or HIIT.
Instead of lengthier, steady-as-she-goes workouts, HIIT is all start-stop-start-stop.
For instance, maybe you sprint for two minutes and walk for one minute—and then repeat a few times.
The goal is to push yourself toward exerting 80 to 90 percent of your energy without giving your body time to fully recover.
This method gets your heart rate up, kicks your metabolism into overdrive, and torches calories like nothing else—and, according to one study in the Journal of Obesity, is more effective at reducing “abdominal body fat than other types of exercise.”

6. Black coffee, please

Think about your morning coffee. Do you drink it with cream and sugar? If so, that’s a 100-calorie beverage.
But by taking it black, your daily dose of caffeine is only 5 calories.
Sure, it’s bitter, but there’s an easy fix to that: Just add cinnamon.
Not only is it delicious, but, per a recent study, a mere half a teaspoon of cinnamon each day can keep your blood sugar and LDL cholesterol (that’s the “bad” kind) levels in check.

7. Make it spicy

According to research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, folks who consume capsaicin—that’s the stuff in chili peppers that brings on the spiciness—ate 200 fewer calories during the following meal.
What’s more, some experts say that spicy foods can speed up your metabolism, leading to more weight loss, though others assert there’s not enough evidence to support that.
In any case, adding a sprinkle of chili pepper flakes to your next meal can’t hurt—unless you seriously can’t handle spice.

8. Get frisky

Did you know that sex counts as a bona fide workout? Seriously!
According to research out of the University of Montreal, you burn anywhere from 70 to 100 calories per “sex session.”
In other words, having sex more frequently can directly lead to you having a better body.
Curious about how long those “sessions” run? About 25 minutes, start to finish, including foreplay.

9. Get at least 8 hours of sleep every night

Skipping out on sleep bolsters your belly twofold.
For one thing, if you’re sleep-deprived, chances are, you’re going to eat more.
According to a study in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, people who get five-and-a-half hours or less each night eat 300 more calories the following day than people who get seven hours or more.
And for another thing, sleep deprivation causes your cortisol levels to spike. Cortisol, if you didn’t know, is the hormone that your body uses to store fat.
One last thing… you should try this 60-second immunity ritual that burns 1 pound of belly fat per day…
“All this by a 60-second immunity ritual?” I asked.

I met an old friend for lunch last month and I was super impressed with how she lost 72 pounds in 3 months.

She said, “It’s not so much about the 60-second immunity ritual but more about how it releases fat-blasting molecules that signal your brain and body to burn off pounds and inches of trapped fat quickly and naturally.”

Even though I was skeptical, I’ve been struggling with my weight over the last few years, so I gave it a shot and watched the same video shedid.

Well, it’s only a couple weeks later and you know what they say about how “you can’t transform your body overnight”…

They’re right – it actually took me 14 days to lose 19 pounds.

Now it’s my girlfriends asking ME what I’M doing differently ๐Ÿ’…

Imagine your body being beach ready before the Fourth of July.

Imagine enjoying the foods you love: pasta, wine, or even a dessert — completely guilt-free.

And imagine feeling good and living your life without obsessing about every single calorie you eat…

All while knowing your health is being protected by one of the most powerful natural healing rituals ever discovered.